ANGUS MCPHEE - Weaver of Grass

ANGUS MCPHEE or MACPHEE was a crofter from Uist who spent almost 50 years in a Highland psychiatric hospital. During this time he chose not to speak - instead he wove a series of incredible costumes out of grass. These he hung on trees in the hospital grounds.

This blog follows the progress of HORSE + BAMBOO THEATRE as they develop and tour a show about Angus....

Friday 10 February 2012


Details from Joanne B Kaar, of the swallow-tail dress grass jacket she is working on in Caithness. For more go to her own blog (click here) - but for us working in Lancashire it continues to be an inspiration that as well as our own work on the production, which is gathering real momentum, there's such tremendous work being created for 'Angus' right up at the top of Scotland. Thanks Joanne!

We've had a week of detailed work - looking at various aspects of the script in the context of the rough stage. We've been able to do this in our performance space - Tuesday we looked at the video and film work; Wednesday the music with Loz Kaye, and yesterday Mark Whitaker helped us look at the puppetry sections. 

In the course of doing this research and development a lot has been learned, and this morning I've re-written the script to include all the new detail and ideas from these three days of work. The next thing is to go through the script with Alison and create a making list - puppets, masks, props etc that we'll need to make over the next few months.

Mark Whitaker working with a prototype puppet for 'Angus'

1 comment:

  1. Such gifted work Joanne - the combination of detailing with the rawness of the materials is stunning. The colours sing too!
